Breathing: what should happen?

Pregnancy can have a huge impact on our breathing patterns due to the growing baby and this can have a potential impact on our core and pelvic floor* muscles. When you breathe in, your diaphragm (your breathing muscle) contracts and moves downward to increase the space for your lungs to expand and fill with air. And this downward pressure should …

Like a really good sports bra…for your core

Your core and pelvic floor muscles are typically something that you only learn about and focus on when they let you down. And if you’ve experienced this firsthand, you’ll know just how big an impact this can have on your life. This is certainly true of Yvonne Brady, the Founder of EVB Sport. In a well intentioned attempt to get fit …

How well do you know your post-baby body?

Us moms are amazing at caring for our families, but notoriously bad at looking after ourselves. We’d never dream of encouraging them to do something that could potentially damage them or slow any healing processes, yet we overlook the massive physiological changes that our bodies go through giving birth and we race to the 6-week post birth point raring to …